Packing your bag has never been easier.


With just a few clicks, you can create new trips and specify the desired participants, activities, and other relevant details.


You can combine various activities, such as sightseeing, dining, and outdoor adventures, to create comprehensive trip templates that can be easily customized and reused.


Only take items on trips that are assigned to the participants.


You can quickly remove unwanted items with a left swipe and access additional details or options by swiping right.


Improve the organization of your activities by creating categories such as Transportation and Weather in the settings. This way, you can structure your plans and access them more easily.


Mark items as washable to avoid overpacking and unnecessary items.


Thanks to the travel checklist icon, you now have a handy list where you can easily overview and check off all necessary items. Never forget anything again!


Experience the unparalleled joy of crossing off items on a physical checklist. Generate a printable document directly from your checklist in mere seconds.